It’s Been One Year!

Today marks one year since I first registered my WordPress account and started this blog. In some ways it is hard to believe a year has gone by already and in others it feels like I have always been here!

I have met so many incredible people and read very interesting stories about you all. I really want to thank my readers for following me on this amazing journey.

When I started “Being Lydia” I was thinking I would talk about my faith, my life, share recipes, crafts, etc. I never really thought that the basis would be my mental illness struggles and chronic pain.

But I am so very glad that these things did become the focus because I have learned a lot from others dealing with the same challenges and would like to think that I have helped some of you as well through my experiences. Also, it has inspired me to write a book about overcoming stigma.

So, here’s to another year (and hopefully more) and I hope I can become a little more consistent in my writing. And thank you to everyone who has visited my blog, liked my posts, left comments and even chose to follow me! I couldn’t have done it without all of you!

4 Replies to “It’s Been One Year!”

  1. Congrats….like you I started on here to write to myself about my weight loss, a place to rant and rave if I needed….but I have found the best circle of friends in this community, the encouragement and inspirations from everyone has helped me more than I know..I am happy that you have found the same results…I am enjoying following your blog…kat.

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