The More Things Change…

Daily Prompt – Panicked


Wow, it has been ages since I have sat down to write a post and a lot has happened.

  1. We have booked the movers, the cleaners, and the telephone/cable/internet company. Our official move date is May 20th.
  2. Several friends and family members have volunteered to help pack/unpack
  3. I have arranged for our change of address with the post office so our mail will be re-routed until we can advise everyone.
  4. We have met with the bank regarding our mortgage and established a branch near our new home.
  5. My on again off again surgery is on again…

Say what?

Yup, you read it correctly. There was an ever so slight chance that the May 5th surgery (yes, tomorrow) that was canceled 10 days ago would be reinstated. I didn’t even let it become a possibility in my mind. I just reworked everything and decided it was for the best because I could concentrate more on the move and not have to factor in recovery time.

So, of course, I was blindsided once again when I got a call while sitting in the waiting room at the bank that if I wanted the May 5th surgery date it was mine. I called her back after talking with Hubby and said yes, I would take it. My hernia has been really acting up lately and I would just like to get it over with.

Was I panicked with this sudden change? Actually no.

Like everything to do with my life, this is just another God thing. He knew all along I would be having the surgery tomorrow; however, to stop me from panicking about either the move or the surgery, He took one out of the equation so I would just have the other to concentrate on, until a time when there was really no room to panic…now.

Last night I started packing up my china cabinet which is the one place I want to do myself. There are some pretty old and fragile items in there and also items that we really don’t need from my catering days. It was actually a very calming task as I took each piece out and felt the history behind it. Like my mother’s little silver cup from the hockey team she was named after (Patricia for the Regina Princess Pats who my grandfather served on the board for. They won the championship the night my mother was born). Or the Rice bowls, spoons and other dishes that my dear friend Dee gave me. I plan on finishing the job today and it is one more thing off my list.

Does this mean that this is the end of my panic attacks? Ha! I wish!

What I am hoping it means is that I am trusting more in the Lord and in myself to be able to handle those panicky situations faster and with more confidence.

One more possible panic attack is that I must finish a product review today that is overdue. I hate being late for anything, especially work deadlines but I am trying to keep an open mind so I can get it done and posted by the end of the day. That way I will be able to go into surgery tomorrow knowing two major issues (the china cabinet and the review) are behind me.

Aside from the review, I will be taking the weekend off and will be back next week, with a patched up hernia, and a new list of priorities!


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