Hey Hey Hey It’s A Beautiful Day!

Actually, it is cold, windy and pouring rain. Some areas of our province are still getting snow. But inside my heart and soul, the sun is shining bright and warm.

This is the official end of my very deep and dark depression.

The last couple of days I have started to feel better in the sense that I was not having waves of sadness and gloom washing over me constantly. However, I was still a little cranky and having physical symptoms such as anxiety, pain, and horrid fatigue. These symptoms are part of other conditions I have, though they are heightened during a depression.

Today I can say that despite a headache, a mild toothache, and my normal levels of pain and fatigue, I am feeling much better in every sense – emotionally, spiritually and physically. That is a great feeling.

What is even greater is that I have seen that I can rise above the depression and bipolar. If I have another episode in the future I will know that it doesn’t mean I am going back there for good, it is just a bump in the road and everything is smooth again on the other side.

My one concern is that I have to make sure I don’t go on the high side of my emotions and visit with bipolar at all. While what I experienced was clinical depression and not the kind associated with my bipolar, it and the medications used to elevate my moods can cause a manic episode if I don’t allow my system to level out.

I am feeling the ability to think a little more clearly and determine priorities. At the moment we are trying to finally put our office together. I am finally able to go through the boxes, drawers, and find a place for everything, even if it is the giveaway pile or the trash!

The only thing I am dreading today is taking Miley out. On days like this, we do not go into the park because it is so muddy. But she still needs to get out so we go on short walks a couple of times during the day. Hopefully, she won’t like to get wet any more than I do! 😉

Please enjoy this Daniel Boone song from the seventies and have yourself a beautiful day no matter what the weather is like where you are.


9 Replies to “Hey Hey Hey It’s A Beautiful Day!”

  1. Hallelujah! Thank God you have come through the challenge of this deep depression. You are strong enough to handle anything that life throws at you, to learn the inherent lessons and come out triumphant. I’m so happy for you Lydia. Anita

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