The Last Straw Or A New Opportunity?

My Respirologist, the wonderful doctor who (finally) caught my immune deficiency, which has changed my life for the better, is now also the doctor who has confirmed that I have Type 2 diabetes.

She did the tests, along with other blood tests, because she is just that thorough. Why take a couple of samples to rule out a few things when you can check out everything within reason and at the very least eliminate problems?

No chronic illness warrior wants another diagnosis of any kind. It just means more tests, pills, or other changes to an already complicated life. However, there are two ways to deal with it.

  1. Feel sorry for yourself and just become mad at the world; or,
  2. Find something positive and make an opportunity out of it.

I have chosen No. 2, without hesitation. Why? Because I am, quite frankly, sick and tired of being tired and sick. If I have learned anything from the Covid-19 pandemic, it is that there is always a positive side if you look close enough.

Here are my reasons for not giving in to Diabetes.

  • My Dad had it for years, and when he came to live with us during his last four years, I learned as much as I could about Type 2 so that I could cook for him and be aware of any problems that may come up.
  • While in culinary school, I started learning as much as I could about cooking for special diets. My Hubby and I both have several food intolerances. I was able to put this knowledge into practice at the camp we cooked at one summer. There were several other people who, by choice or circumstance, needed some gourmet TLC.
  • I have had enormous challenges with my weight thanks to some of my medication and mood changes affecting eating habits. My doctor told me today, when she called to say she was prescribing Metformin for the next few weeks, that it could reduce cravings and help me lose weight.
  • Again with food, I have already started going through Diabetic cookbooks and trying out recipes. Even though my pain and insomnia have often made this difficult, I am finding that the more I cook and eat healthily, the less pain and more sleep I get.
  • I need to get real regarding my fitness. I am doing some but not enough to help my blood sugar, pain, and even breathing.

I am not saying that having Diabetes is fun; however, it doesn’t have to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.


Photo by Mykenzie Johnson on Unsplash

8 Replies to “The Last Straw Or A New Opportunity?”

  1. Lydia, best wishes on the fitness regimen. It will pay dividends. May I make a suggestion? Start slow and do something that is sustainable. It need not be a long routine – you can start with two minutes and build up to five, then ten or fifteen. I have held my weight steady for over two years using alternating Yoga, Pilates and light weight-lifting routines (I have three) after I shower, so they are not rigorous. Also, if I miss a day, it is OK. Best wishes. Keith

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  2. I admire your resilience, dear Lydia 🙂 Of course, there’s not much of a choice when you’re faced with the disease, but taking it with such a positive attitude will certainly help a lot! *sending you big hugs and much love* xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, dear Cyranny. I want to make it out to the cove; however, if we have snow, I can well imagine you have a lot more! I know it has been awhile, but do you still have my comfy chair reserved?


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