Embracing Mother’s Day – Again!

Featured Image -- 3973I am reblogging my Mother’s Day post from last year because it still rings true this year. In some ways, I was dreading this day but after re-reading this post and the notes I have received from some of my “kids”, I am rejoicing once again in God’s decision for me.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.


Being Lydia!

Mother’s Day has been the toughest day of the year for me for most of my adult life. I lost my Mom 20 years ago to cancer and she always said “If you can’t show your love 365 days a year, you don’t need to celebrate it one day made up by card companies and florists”. I always did celebrate it with her and I did show my love through-out the year or I at least tried to.

As I have mentioned many times, I was not able to have a child of my own and that hurt me for many years. How could God keep the one thing I wanted more than anything away from me? But He had good reasons. During my child-bearing years I was deep into my mental illnesses. My first husband was definitely NOT father material and to have a child connected to that marriage…

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