Reblog – How Disney World switched to Original Sprout products that reduced Migraine triggers and headaches

Disney World took a bold and respectable step in making their park more friendly for people with scent allergies and product sensitivities! I may just have to try Original Sprout!



My Migraine Life

original sprout *This post contains affiliate links. My referrals are my own opinion. I only recommend things I truly love and use for myself and family. I was given products as a review. See disclaimer for more
Recently, I went to Disney World with my family. I love Disney World! My family, the adventures, the magic and the fun. It all was a dream come true.

After my last experience at the boutique that turns my daughter into a princess, I feared the hair spray smell. The last time we went, the lights were really bright. Beyond the lights was the smell. Oooooooooh the smell. I had started my day with a migraine. Standing in air that was saturated with strong hair spray made me really sick!

This time, I was prepared. I had my Axon Opticsin my purse and wore a scarf that I sprayed with my favorite essential oil…

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