Depression – Thinking Out Loud

I have been depressed in waves over the last week or so. I am not sure what triggered it or exactly when it started. I just know it is not something I was expecting.

That isn’t to say that I plan to get depressed, or manic or anything. My moods have just been so level (notice I don’t say “normal”) for years that when I do experience a change it catches me off guard.

It is especially troubling when I can’t find a reason for the shift. I have been experiencing some new acute pain lately, along with trouble from my hernia and throat – ongoing problems that have both been worse than usual lately.

I spent much of the weekend sleeping; however, I felt it was more about catching up from months of insomnia than from being depressed. When I sleep because of depression it is more just not being able to get out of bed. This time, it was being up for a few hours, getting tired and going to sleep. A much different pattern.

I haven’t had any changes in my medication unless you factor in taking a few extra Emtec (like Tylenol 3 without caffeine) for tooth and/or back pain over the last few weeks. I only take them when I really need them and they have never depressed me before.

As for emotional factors, I have been doing really well. Hubby and I are getting along so well, I am very happy with my writing “career” taking shape, and I am starting to look after my self-image through diet, exercise, etc.

Whatever the reason for this small blip of depression in an otherwise peaceful and happy existence, I am not going to let it get me down (pun intended)! Just talking about it here is helping me gain control once again! Thanks for “listening/reading”.


23 Replies to “Depression – Thinking Out Loud”

  1. Ah Lydia, we are all with you in this journey and are here to listen to you anytime you might need someone to talk to.
    The wave of depression might just have been a small glitch in what appears to be an otherwise perfect situation for you. Happy to know you and husband are doing very well. Have a Lovely day, make lovely memories, do things that you like!! Cheers ^_^

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  2. Take care of you. Do something for yourself and not worry about the rest of the world for a few afternoons. I don’t know if this would help, but may create a unique diversion.

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  3. Just take it day by day, Lydia. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for the change, and we always try to attribute the change to something. I have a chronic illness as well, and if I have an especially bad start to the day, I question whether it was something I ate or whether I hydrated enough the day before. Aaaaah…life. 😀

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  4. Lydia: It could really be just the expanded pain and health problems that have triggered you since you, like me are prone to depression. I really thought I’d kill myself before I got my cataract surgeries over last year. Health problems can really get you down, pun also intended, but understanding what triggers it and moving on will prevail. You know how to wake up each morning with a smile? Sleep with a hanger in your mouth! Yours in comradeship….~~dru~~

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    1. Thanks, Dru. Yes, that really is what it was all about. I was merely trying to get all my thoughts down as a way of trying to get rid of the depression. I so appreciate you taking the time to write. It means a lot to know I am not alone. And I love your little tip at the end! :-)/

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