It Was A Good Good Friday

crossI mentioned in last Sunday’s post that I haven’t been able to attend church for a long time because of pain and sleep issues. I haven’t been to a Good Friday service in probably three years.

Well, even though I had a rough pain and sleep night, and Hubby also had problems getting to sleep, we got up and out the door with time to spare for a 10 am service. I am usually not up until at least 10:30 am, and yet I managed to get out of bed at around 8:30.

My dear friend Dee had “called ahead” and arranged for three seats to be set at the back so that if I needed to get up and walk around I could, and I also didn’t have to worry about people in front or behind me. There were only two others who knew I was coming because I texted Dee that we were on our way. So for everyone else it was a surprise.

The service was beautiful – a simple yet powerful mix of scripture and music telling the story of the day. At the end, there was communion and an invitation to place a nail on the cross for anything that may be holding you back in your Faith. I looked at the cross, and an incredible feeling came over me that I have left all my baggage behind and have come to terms with my past and my present while leaving my future in the Lord’s hands. I had never felt that way before that moment.

When it was over several people came to say hi along with gentle hugs. I was worried about being overwhelmed by this part of it; however, Dee and Hubby were right there with me. We walked up to see the stage set with a Passover table on one end and the cross on the other. More friends were there to greet us, and if the chatting got too much, I would just move on to the next person, on my way to the door.

My dear friend Coach was of course there as well, and she was so happy to see me there. The love both Hubby and I felt from her, and all of our friends was incredible. It will definitely make going again a lot easier. I just have to make the push to get there.

Before we left to go in the morning, I made what to a lot of people might seem a strange remark. “I really hope no one says how good I look”. Anyone with chronic pain or other illness will probably instantly agree with that statement. If you work at making yourself look good then yes, you want to be complimented. However, if you go as you are, then it’s nice to not to dwell or have people try to build you up. Thankfully, no one mentioned anything about how I looked, good or bad!

When I got home, I took some pain medication and had a nap. When I woke up I let the furkids outside and went out myself to sit on the bench and read the new book Dee had given me. I have not done this for so long and it felt good. The fresh air tired me again so another nap and then Kay came over for dinner. We ordered in Chinese food, caught up on some of our shows and when Hubby drove her home I went to bed.

Thank you Lord for suffering on the cross for us.



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